
The Online Dating ShortcutTM

What is FirstDate?

Dating as we’ve known it is changing! FirstDate is the online dating shortcut that significantly reduces the time and effort spent to meet. We’ve leveled the playing field by allowing Generous Members to message Attractive Members with personalized offers to get you both on a first date faster.

FirstDate helps you find like-minded singles in your area, through honest and open communication, who are looking for an authentic connection-without all the usual nonsense of digital dating.

FirstDate makes online dating simple and fun again!

The FirstDate Advantage


SAVE TIME – FirstDate members are serious daters looking for worthwhile dating connections that you can offer.

DATE UP – FirstDate levels the playing field—no one is out of anyone’s league.

INTEREST GUARANTEES DATES – The FirstDate shortcut keeps members engaged. When members show interest, dates happen.


SAVE TIME – FirstDate eliminates the back and forth banter of other dating platforms. You get to choose worthwhile dates for you.

QUALITY SINGLES – FirstDate members are serious daters invested in dating who are finding quality matches.

NEVER BE “GHOSTED” – Your time won’t be wasted on FirstDate, where “ghosting” goes explicitly against our Community Guidelines.

How It Works

FirstDate - Step One

Create a Profile

Share a great photo and get creative—a first impression is everything!

FirstDate - Step Two

Find a Date

Find a profile that intrigues you and make your move.

FirstDate - Step 3

Unlock the Conversation

Once a member accepts your date offer, unlock the conversation and set up the date.

FirstDate - Step Four

Go on a First Date

We’ve helped you get the first date—now the rest is up to you!

FirstDate - Step One

Create a Profile

Share a great photo and get creative—a first impression is everything!

FirstDate - Step Two

Accept Dates or Request Offers

A Generous Member can make you an incentive offer, or you make the first move and request an offer that’s worthwhile for you!

FirstDate - Step Three

Get Acquainted

When you accept an offer, the conversation can be unlocked by the Generous Member. Start chatting and planning your date!

FirstDate - Step Four

Go on a First Date

Meet in person and see if there’s a spark! If things don’t work out, know that getting another date on FirstDate is fast, easy and as always, a lot of fun!

Join Now, Sign Up is Free!

Join the online dating shortcut that significantly reduces the time and effort to get that first date.